Confident Business English host and accredited Neurolanguage Coach® Anna Connelly brings senior managers, who already need to communicate in English, more advan...
267. Defend Your Decisions: How to Push Back Confidently in English
As a senior manager working in English, do you have to defend your decisions? Your colleagues may ask you to extend the deadline, ask for more resources or changes. In this episode I share with you business english vocabulary to help you push back confidently in English. Want the full transcript and bonus content in the newsletter? CLICK HERE to become a free memberJoin our community of 10k+ professionals worldwide. What you get as a free member:Weekly newsletter with extra tips not on the podcastTranscripts for new episodesBonus clipsExtra worksheets and resources
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266. Save Time & Stress: 3-Minute Feedback Template for English Meetings
Need to give feedback to a colleague? Save yourself time and stress with this 3-minute feedback template you can use for your next English conversation at work. Want the full transcript and bonus content in the newsletter? CLICK HERE to become a free memberJoin our community of 10k+ professionals worldwide. What you get as a free member:Weekly newsletter with extra tips not on the podcastTranscripts for new episodesBonus clipsExtra worksheets and resources
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265. 3 Must-Use Business English Phrases
Here are my 3 must-use business English phrases for 2025. I've handpicked these specifically for you and haven't talked about on the podcast before. Make progress and boost your confidence using new words rather than the same vocabulary all the time. Want the full transcript and bonus content in the newsletter? CLICK HERE to become a free memberJoin our community of 10k+ professionals worldwide. What you get as a free member:Weekly newsletter with extra tips not on the podcastTranscripts for new episodesBonus clipsExtra worksheets and resources
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264. Finding It Hard to Follow Your Native Colleagues? Real Business English Conversation Series #3
If you find it hard to follow your colleagues, this Real Business English conversation series is here to help. Hear actual conversations you are likely to hear at work. Build confidence with the vocabulary and learn new phrases. Spoken at a natural pace with no effort make it easier or slow down. Enjoy! AnnaWant the full transcript and bonus content in the newsletter? CLICK HERE to become a free memberJoin our community of 10k+ professionals worldwide. What you get as a free member:Weekly newsletter with extra tips not on the podcastTranscripts for new episodesBonus clipsExtra worksheets and resources
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Put your skills to the test with this interactive, practical episode. Do you struggle to ask questions confidently? Then waste time afterwards following up by email? At times it can be hard to put yourself out there even if you have an important question to ask. At Confident Business English, we believe practice makes confident. This is an interactive episode with practical exercises to get you asking some of the most common business questions and help you lead more confidently in English.Want the full transcript and bonus content in the newsletter? CLICK HERE to become a free memberJoin our community of 10k+ professionals worldwide. What you get as a free member:Weekly newsletter with extra tips not on the podcastTranscripts for new episodesBonus clipsExtra worksheets and resources
Say hello on LinkedIn @AnnaConnelly
Confident Business English host and accredited Neurolanguage Coach® Anna Connelly brings senior managers, who already need to communicate in English, more advanced business English tips to boost confidence. Listeners say they love the podcast because it's to-the-point, useful and interesting.